Hartz-IV Chair Workshop

  • Client: Creative Industries Styria
  • Location: Graz / Austria
  • Organisation: Alexa Holzer
  • Team: Xaver Kettele, Fernanda Reis, Viktoria Dinius 


Workshop by Van Bo le Mentzel at the Kaiser-Joseph-Markt in Graz, part of the project "Konstruieren statt Konsumieren" (construct not consume). The market was choosen for this event, instead of produces, knowledges, help and time was exchanged. To built a Hartz-IV chair you need an extra pair of hands. This meant you had to work with another person, sometimes a stranger. In the end everyone was going home with their own chair.

We provided tools, pre-cutted wood, screws, wine, and coffee. 

www.graz-cityofdesign.at →


Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 15
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 13
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 12
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 11
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 10
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 09
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 08
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 06
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 04
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 01
Hartziv Vanbo Georg Kettele 05
Hartziv Vanbo Cover

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